How to Play Laser Tag

You had heard about laser tag before from friends and heard it referenced on TV.  But what exactly is a laser tag, and how do you play? Laser tag was invented in 1984 by George Carter III and was inspired by Star Wars. It is a shooting game where players use light emitting infrared guns to tag each other. Each player commonly wears an infrared signaling vest, which, when hit, tags them out. Laser tag is typically played in the dark with a blacklight to illuminate the area. Laser tag doesn’t involve getting messy like in paintball, or getting hit with anything like pellet guns, yet still holds the fun, thrilling aspects of these games.

 Here are a few simple guidelines for how to play laser tag.

1# Understand Your Gear

The first step to playing laser tag is understanding how your gear works. Check out your laser gun and make sure you know how to use it. Properly strap on your vest and any other sensors. Learn where any bases in the arena are and how to get to them.

2# Laser Tag is a No-Contact Sport

This means no tackling, touching, or contact of any kind.

3# Sensors Must be Visible During the Game

Covering sensors on your vest to avoid getting tagged out is unfair and considered cheating.

4# Good Sportsmanship is a Must

Be respectful of other players, play fair, and congratulate the winners. Laser tag is just a game. Keep it fun, light, and enjoyable for everyone involved.

Multiple different games can be played in laser tag, such as each player for himself, or various team games. Most laser tag arenas have bases which you can hit to collect points. For team games, you must capture the opposing team’s base to win the game. However you decide to play, apply these basic guidelines to ensure everyone stays safe and has fun. Visit UltraZone laser tag in Fort Wayne to play today. Sign up for specials or plan a party on their website.